
Halloween ♥

Halloween ♥
All Hallows Eve is my favorite day of the year. It's my favorite hoilday. I think its such a great day because you can be whatever you want. It's a day where you wont be judged for what you wear. Im going to be Superman. :) What are you going to be ? Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day. Halloween is the day I wait for all year.


Channel One Results

Channel One Results
Today Channel One announced who would win in their One Vote. The results were that McCain got 41% of the votes and Obama got 59%. All in all Obama won. I think now that Obama will win for sure. This shows most of the states really want Obama to be president. I'll be very surprised if on November 4Th McCain wins. Here in California, Obama got all the 55 electoral votes. I surely voted for him. I hope on November 4Th Obama wins. :)


Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action
I think race shouldn't matter into what colleges you get accepted to. You could be any race and be very intelligent. Being smart has doesn't matter. Everybody has different goals. I think if they reject someone cause of their race might ruin someones goal. I also think that they shouldn't give people special treatment cause of their race. Everybody should be treated equally.


Elections :)

Which President ?
I think that Obama should be the next president. He would be a good person. Even though I don't agree with his decisions of abortion. I still think he would be a good president. I think he'll make good decisions. Having a African-American president would be different. I think the country should have a little change. If I was 18 I would surely vote for Barrack Obama.